Monday, March 30, 2009

not a whole lot...

going on around here. just rain. lots and lots of rain!

we finally got a break today, and saw this bright light in the sky. still trying to remember what it is. enjoying it before our next round of rain comes this week.

james worked out in the yard all weekend. tilling it all up, aerating it, mowing the weeds, and getting ready to plant grass seed.

our yard is mostly georgia clay. a lovely orange/red. i dream of having nice grass. there is pretty much only one type that will grow here. hopefully we'll have success!

he also got all the stumps removed. he's been busy!

i've been playing around on my camera. getting my homework done for class. here is the first roll of film i took.

james pulled out his camera and was messing around too. realized there was an old roll in there. had no idea when it was from, but said i could develop it if i wanted to. ended up to be mostly pictures from the vatican he took while stationed over in vicenza, italy. he had some great shots! it was a black and white roll, and i told him he'll have to get back into it and get some good pictures of bean.

happy day!

Friday, March 27, 2009

flashback friday.

this first one made me smile. in a funny way. sad to remember being at this point in life, but happy that i once again, finally, have that home feeling.

i'm also getting excited because we are getting closer to the time last year that james came home. been back for almost a year!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

garden state quote...

andrew largeman- "You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone. You'll see when you move out it just sort of happens one day one day and it's just gone. And you can never get it back. It's like you get homesick for a place that doesn't exist. I mean it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for you kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place."

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

joys of my day...
batman spaghettios and zebra cakes.
notes in my lunch.
rory's reasons for liking and recommending his dentist. "there are tvs and he is a little asian man with small hands. it's like baby hands in your mouth. small little asian hands."
shel and olivers first road trip. plus maggs.
don pablos with adrienne, mr. troemel, craig and jacko.
mr. troemel's bears sweatshirt. finally i wasn't surrounded by colts paraphernalia.
frozen margaritas.
letters from india.

sidenote - do you think it will ever feel like
my car is not lighter than it actually is? i
feel like it is just going to blow over and flip
again. i wish it would end.

Friday, March 30, 2007

yes i'm ok.

but it will probably be dead around here for the next week and few days.

with good reason of course.

edit - for my curious readers...james is flying in today to spend the rest of his leave with me. and i couldn't be more excited! wonder how maggs is going to feel.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

this is where james is currently living with 400 other guys. looks like fun! just one more step in coming home!

love the prime foam mattresses!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

another bullet post.

  • i hit a bird today in my car. i wanted to cry. i thought i was going to miss him. i couldn't brake because it was slick from all the rain. he was only the 2nd animal i ever hit. the first was a squirrel right after i got my license. he still haunts me.
  • i was the only one in my photography class with a film camera. the class is for both, but apparently i'm just old school.
  • i updated the nursery section on bean's page.
  • last night i was pretty uncomfortable sleeping on my stomach. it felt like i was sleeping on something. i just stopped and laughed because...yes! i was!
  • i had to go on a coke run because it had been a few days without pop. this kid is going to be wired.
  • i should take some pictures for my homework assignment. it's just real gross out here lately.
  • a bunch of people here got new orders, three are going to fort drum, in new york. we are safe for now.
  • i really love it here, and don't want to leave. it's home.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


a couple more thoughts on my birthday.
  • it was the first one since i've been legal that i didn't spend at a bar, or get completely wasted from free drinks.
  • it was also the first one in a long time that i didn't spend with any girlfriends.
  • even though james and i have known each other/been together for almost 9 years, it was the first one we physically spent together.
  • bean is all set for st. patrick's day next year. thanks to crystal (who actually sent the bib for baby, but we'll still use it) and catie for the awesome shirts. he/she will definitely be a green bean!

Monday, March 23, 2009

for jenna.

i know i've been slacking on the posts. been busy around here, but still not a whole lot post. or maybe i just don't have the energy. it'll come back.

here's what we've been up to.

my birthday.
  • james woke me up with green pancakes in bed!
  • we had lunch at chili's.
  • went shopping at old navy. my present was the trip there and new clothes. (maternity ones)
  • got lots of love sent via facebook, and an email from africa the next day.

  • youth night at wild wings.
  • baked three desserts for the lenten supper last week.
  • james ushered for the first time.
  • they are planning a men's retreat/fishing trip.

dav and whit came to visit and brought emma and evia along for the ride.
  • we hiked the appalachian trail.
  • painted on our back porch.
  • ate at crimson moon and got to listen to a band.
  • went to a place called "ink" it was a neighborhood for kids. had a bunch of rooms set up for make believe. (grocery store, dentist, doctor, vet, beauty shop, diner...)
  • ate at jimmy john's.
  • brought james dinner at work since he had a 24 hour shift.
  • toured camp.
  • hiked some more.
  • played on the course. he and dav climbed the ropes, the girls played on the bars.
  • spent the day at the park.
  • ice cream at connie's.
  • watched a few movies.
  • fuse beads.
  • lots of playing with molly, my american girl.
  • felt whit's baby kick.
  • caught up on life.
  • march madness.

babysitting aidan. (ben and celina's son) hung out today, and will again tomorrow or wednesday. he's so easy to watch, and we got to spend sometime outside today!

it's been fun! busy, but fun! the girls seemed to have a good time while they were here. a few tears, but evia didn't want to talk to luke or tammy either time they called, so i guess that was a good sign! :)

relaxing now. i start a photography class tomorrow night at the college. i'm excited!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


so different people have different ideas of when the 2nd trimester starts.

some say after 12 weeks (but that would be dividing a 9 month pregnancy, when really most are almost 10 months)

some say in you 14th week. (that just seems too long)

and the bump divides it all evenly and says 13 weeks 3 days. (we'll go with that one!)

so after being in the 1st trimester 6 out of the last 7 months, i'm finally in the 2nd one!

it's about time. it feels so good!

Friday, March 13, 2009

who gives a pregnant lady...

a kitchenaid mixer and 5 boxes of funfetti?

oh that's right. ma did.

while i am extremely grateful, i'm not sure my body, or james will agree.

he got called in tonight, so i decided to break out box number 1.

i also got to use my new apron that cheryl sewed for me.

mmmm. sweet, sweet love.

oh, and of course the mixer is green, in honor of my birthday.

flashback friday.

haven't been around the last few fridays.

13 mar 2005.

great weekend spent with people i love.

friday we had an unexpected fire alarm at riley. the laminator overheated and filled the building with smoke. we spent a good hour and a half in the big gym. sorry to the guy attempting to study while we seranaded him with the abc's, itsy bitsy spider, pepsi cola, and other annoying kid's songs, but come on who goes to the gym to study?

on my break i attempted to read my book, but soon realized it is missing pages 65-96! need to go get a new copy tomorrow because i really want to read!

15 work hours and i am officially on spring break. have to be at riley 7am tomorrow morning, which means leave the house at 6! ugh!

yay for...
...hearing from mel. praise God for giving her the strength to move on. showers, bridesmaids and wedding dresses, tulips, dav and whit, whit's family.
...emma saying "ssshhhhhel" all weekend.
...seeing matt, kelli and nolan.
...talking with catie and bekah, who both completely understand what i feel.
...falling asleep to ua playing his guitar, much better than mom's snoring.
...beautiful days.

hope you have a very blessed day! chances are i miss you!

lyrics for today. a few weeks ago i heard switchfoot's "let that be enough" i remembered the times i listened to it while sitting in kickapoo at the beginning of the summer. then i noticed this line...
Let me know that You hear me-Let me know Your touch-Let me know that You love me-And let that be enough-It's my birthday tomorrow-No one here could know-I was born this Thursday-22 years ago
funny how this year i turn 22, on a thursday, and i was born on a thursday.

12 mar 2006.
i got two early birthday wishes from india this morning. made my day. ua said...

"Last night we were invited to and attended a birthday party for a 4-year-old girl named Jerusha. When we arrived she was running around in her undies (it seems throughout the world, children can't escape the joy of that) until her parents made her put on her fancy white dress."

oh to be 4 and have a birthday dress. aunt steph always made mine and they were always that obnoxious shade of green with shamrocks all over. i wore them proudly.

supa may be making me a dress this year. it should be a very happy day.

enjoy the spring weather. thank God for sunny days.

12 mar 2007.
precious Lord...

adrienne and i watched "a time to kill" tonight. i haven't seen it in a real long time. and i never noticed that they sing "precious Lord" in it twice. maybe because i haven't seen it since grandma died. but when i heard it tonight it just hit me.

i love that song, and i was thinking about it in church a few lenten services ago. then i opened up to the next hymn and it was on the page facing "precious Lord."

i could really go with singing that these days.

the movie was a good fix though!

followed by a night walk in the mist. which turned to rain. (my favorite)

and "elizabethtown." i love that movie. i never get sick of it.

with a bottle of shiner. mmmm.

3 mar 2008. (i know not even close to today, but it made me smile!)

army news.

got this in a message from paige tonight...

crack open the good wine cause we are officially done with this deployment...


james had news yesterday too. we have our orders for august! georgia here we come!

he was also promoted to sergeant yesterday. i am so proud!

Monday, March 9, 2009

the last few days.

i'm a bit behind so here is a quick recap and pictures from wednesday on.

my friend laura and her husband andy passed through our town on their way up from florida. we were work girls, and counselors at lutherhaven together. we've known each other for a long time! hadn't seen eachother since 2005-ish. it was nice to hang out. we met up for dinner at piazza's just off the square.

the next day ma, ua and i went back to town. went to an antique store, and had lunch at "crimson moon" later that night ua and i watched one of our childhood favorites that i netflixed. the non animated "alice in wonderland" that was on cbs back in the 80's. we didn't realize how many famous people were in it, including ringo! we also didn't realize it was a two part movie. it was a lot of fun though, and i was surprised at how much i remembered! and that i was justified in being scared of the white rabbit as a kid. (i always ran up the stairs when he came out)

(that cup i'm holding was a complete waste of my caffeine intake for the day. i was really looking forward to good chai tea!)

then this weekend, james and i took two of our youth (they're brothers) down to jacksonville, florida for the district youth gathering. we all had a good time! especially using the pillows for jousting matches. it was fun hanging out with boys again. made me miss my brothers even more!

with the time change, and james' getting sick the last night, we were all pretty worn out on sunday. long drive home, but the weekend was well worth it! hopefully we'll be getting more youth involved, and doing a lot more activities. our church is definitely growing, and we're all excited.

james, branden, john aaron, me.

hope you've all been doing well!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

in like a lion...

even here in georgia!

judging by the weather today, i don't think we have to wait too long for the whole lamb part!

last sunday we had a real bad storm. it had rained all weekend. then turned to snow. we didn't get much snow, but parts of georgia had a lot. (a lot for georgia.) then it all froze over.

we have a bunch of tall skinny trees in our backyard. i was standing at the sink, looked up, and saw all of them swaying towards the house. it was freaky!

went out and took a few pictures of the beautiful sky. (no photoshop here. don't get me started on photoshop.)

later that night, maggs and i both jumped at a loud noise. went and asked james what it was. upon further inspection we found a tree in our backyard. almost on the back deck.

yay! more firewood!

surprisingly it wasn't the dead tree that james has been eying to cut down. that one was promptly cut down the next day!

in the daylight we noticed we lost a bunch of trees in our woods. hopefully there are still enough there to hide the neighbors once the leaves come back!

also added a link to my photoblog. not sure how long it will last, but we'll see! it seems like the thing to do.

waiting on joshua and ma to get here. also having dinner with an old camp friend and her husband tonight. (laura and andy) cannot wait to see her. it's been a long time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

11 weeks 6 days.

i'm officially past the day we found out about losing baby.

it's all new from here!

Monday, March 2, 2009

you've come a long way baby!

happy 2nd birthday to levi!

and because i still can't get over how awesome God is, and how much he has already worked in levi's life. here is the video nancy made last year. the music is so perfect!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

a day to celebrate.

happy 6th anniversary to magglio and me!

happy 100th post!

and happy march!