Friday, March 13, 2009

flashback friday.

haven't been around the last few fridays.

13 mar 2005.

great weekend spent with people i love.

friday we had an unexpected fire alarm at riley. the laminator overheated and filled the building with smoke. we spent a good hour and a half in the big gym. sorry to the guy attempting to study while we seranaded him with the abc's, itsy bitsy spider, pepsi cola, and other annoying kid's songs, but come on who goes to the gym to study?

on my break i attempted to read my book, but soon realized it is missing pages 65-96! need to go get a new copy tomorrow because i really want to read!

15 work hours and i am officially on spring break. have to be at riley 7am tomorrow morning, which means leave the house at 6! ugh!

yay for...
...hearing from mel. praise God for giving her the strength to move on. showers, bridesmaids and wedding dresses, tulips, dav and whit, whit's family.
...emma saying "ssshhhhhel" all weekend.
...seeing matt, kelli and nolan.
...talking with catie and bekah, who both completely understand what i feel.
...falling asleep to ua playing his guitar, much better than mom's snoring.
...beautiful days.

hope you have a very blessed day! chances are i miss you!

lyrics for today. a few weeks ago i heard switchfoot's "let that be enough" i remembered the times i listened to it while sitting in kickapoo at the beginning of the summer. then i noticed this line...
Let me know that You hear me-Let me know Your touch-Let me know that You love me-And let that be enough-It's my birthday tomorrow-No one here could know-I was born this Thursday-22 years ago
funny how this year i turn 22, on a thursday, and i was born on a thursday.

12 mar 2006.
i got two early birthday wishes from india this morning. made my day. ua said...

"Last night we were invited to and attended a birthday party for a 4-year-old girl named Jerusha. When we arrived she was running around in her undies (it seems throughout the world, children can't escape the joy of that) until her parents made her put on her fancy white dress."

oh to be 4 and have a birthday dress. aunt steph always made mine and they were always that obnoxious shade of green with shamrocks all over. i wore them proudly.

supa may be making me a dress this year. it should be a very happy day.

enjoy the spring weather. thank God for sunny days.

12 mar 2007.
precious Lord...

adrienne and i watched "a time to kill" tonight. i haven't seen it in a real long time. and i never noticed that they sing "precious Lord" in it twice. maybe because i haven't seen it since grandma died. but when i heard it tonight it just hit me.

i love that song, and i was thinking about it in church a few lenten services ago. then i opened up to the next hymn and it was on the page facing "precious Lord."

i could really go with singing that these days.

the movie was a good fix though!

followed by a night walk in the mist. which turned to rain. (my favorite)

and "elizabethtown." i love that movie. i never get sick of it.

with a bottle of shiner. mmmm.

3 mar 2008. (i know not even close to today, but it made me smile!)

army news.

got this in a message from paige tonight...

crack open the good wine cause we are officially done with this deployment...


james had news yesterday too. we have our orders for august! georgia here we come!

he was also promoted to sergeant yesterday. i am so proud!

1 comment:

  1. i love reading the past years, so much we have experienced joys and sorrows..........hey! my snoring come on, it is rhythmic (sp) isn't it:)love you mom <>< +
