Monday, March 23, 2009

for jenna.

i know i've been slacking on the posts. been busy around here, but still not a whole lot post. or maybe i just don't have the energy. it'll come back.

here's what we've been up to.

my birthday.
  • james woke me up with green pancakes in bed!
  • we had lunch at chili's.
  • went shopping at old navy. my present was the trip there and new clothes. (maternity ones)
  • got lots of love sent via facebook, and an email from africa the next day.

  • youth night at wild wings.
  • baked three desserts for the lenten supper last week.
  • james ushered for the first time.
  • they are planning a men's retreat/fishing trip.

dav and whit came to visit and brought emma and evia along for the ride.
  • we hiked the appalachian trail.
  • painted on our back porch.
  • ate at crimson moon and got to listen to a band.
  • went to a place called "ink" it was a neighborhood for kids. had a bunch of rooms set up for make believe. (grocery store, dentist, doctor, vet, beauty shop, diner...)
  • ate at jimmy john's.
  • brought james dinner at work since he had a 24 hour shift.
  • toured camp.
  • hiked some more.
  • played on the course. he and dav climbed the ropes, the girls played on the bars.
  • spent the day at the park.
  • ice cream at connie's.
  • watched a few movies.
  • fuse beads.
  • lots of playing with molly, my american girl.
  • felt whit's baby kick.
  • caught up on life.
  • march madness.

babysitting aidan. (ben and celina's son) hung out today, and will again tomorrow or wednesday. he's so easy to watch, and we got to spend sometime outside today!

it's been fun! busy, but fun! the girls seemed to have a good time while they were here. a few tears, but evia didn't want to talk to luke or tammy either time they called, so i guess that was a good sign! :)

relaxing now. i start a photography class tomorrow night at the college. i'm excited!


  1. sounds like you had a good time with the girls:) i love the pics, those girls are spoiled having 2 aunts like you and whit:) do you ever take pics of aiden when you are watching him

  2. thanks for rockin' the socks! =)
    how fun that you are taking a photography class, what a blast!
