Saturday, March 28, 2015

abner is (was) six months.

half a year. wow.
abner likes...
his hands.
sucking his fingers.
sitting up.
standing up.
his sisters.
sleeping on his tummy.
his woobie.
showers and baths.
clean diapers.
trying to inch around.
i heard that if your parents didn't fill out a baby book for you, it just meant they were enjoying your babyhood more. we'll say the same applies to blog posts. ;) i did finally begin his book. we got little tastes of spring this month. it was nice to get abner outside and discover the world. he wasn't so sure about the wind and the sun though. we fought his second double ear infection. he was a fairly happy sick baby. a few screamy bursts, but not bad. he now sleeps in his crib 75% of the time. it's in our room while my parents finish building their house. (they are staying in the nursery) he goes down for naps and bed time awake, and can get himself to sleep. usually sucking on his fingers, his woobie, or just inching around the crib and talking. he will still randomly fall asleep while playing, or waiting for me to finish up helping his sisters. he continues to prove himself awesome. i told nana that i feel like we should apologize..."sorry world, we have the best baby there ever was and will be." i am sure daddy thinks he could improve in some areas, less girly squeals, more sleeping, but i am just smitten.

1 comment:

  1. it has been a pure joy to be here to watch him in his first months! every grandparent should get this opportunity:) he is THE BEST for sure!
