Tuesday, January 27, 2015

different mama.

it's no secret that i've changed since first becoming a mama. a lot changed after delia. a lot of me changed. some good, some bad. in a lot of ways my preferences are the same, but in so many ways i have switched to survival mode, what works, what is best for us, what makes them happy, what keeps me sane. especially now, going through these baby stages for the third time, i just have to stop and laugh. i am sure i will be adding to this list. here are just two from the last few days...

first child (that had very limited tv the first few years) sings her version of "angels we have heard on high"

third child hears the "glooooooooooooria" part and sings "ah ah my pony! my pony"


first child gets cute outfits when visiting the doctor.

fourth child gets a onesie and babylegs because mama knows she can have baby dressed, they can get their thighs poked, and she can get out of there asap!

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