Sunday, December 9, 2012

oh eliza...

you so funny.

here are some random stories i've been saving and meaning to put somewhere. so until i transfer them to her journal, here they'll be! and some are repeats from effbook.


sitting in a parking lot with fast food. i unbuckle her so she can come to the front. hand her food over and she hands it back saying "hold this cause i make a lap! i need to make a lap!" (sit with her legs crossed)


while passing time outside this summer waiting on my brother, krista and i were trying to get her to look at our shadows. you could tell she was looking past them, and just seeing the ground. i tapped my foot in the gravel and said "right there. that's your shadow, see it?" i just so happened to tap a piece of litter and she reached down and picked it up, "oh! my shadow!" then when she was getting in the car later she told krista "here! hold my shadow!"


maggs kiss me. kiss me! you can kiss me on my lips. maggs, give me your best kiss ever!


jake and the neverland pirates spawned this one...

on halloween we saw a tiny rainbow and eliza said "did the pirate princess do that?!"


the song "mountain music" came on the radio and she said "this is a cowboy song mama?" "yep!" "like cowboy dongald?" (donald duck)


yelling from the living room "hey! somebody! i need george!" (curious george)


a favorite thing to say to daddy lately "oh! that's cool, man."


if you ask her what we should name fawn it usually comes out as a series of letters starting with E, like her.

"E-T-I-C!" "E-P-H-I" "E-I-C-K" "E-G-H-L-I"


she was being silly in the car on the way to church and after she'd say or do something funny she'd ask james and i "now would you laugh at me guys?"


she combines very and really...

"i berry like that. i berry i berry do!"


she likes to say "my friend" in front of names...

"oh! it's my friend grannie!" "my friend daddy!"


we walked into a friend's house the other day. they had just had snack time and there was popcorn on the floor in the kitchen. she looked at crista (the mom) and said "would you clean that up?!"


when nana was putting her in her carseat in papa's car she commented on how papa's car was messy.

after that eliza told everyone about papa's mess, and pestered papa to clean.

this morning james was moving the carseat back to our car and eliza said "papa! would you help my friend daddy clean your mess?!"


she keeps talking about a mermaid song. we have no idea what it is, but she asked grannie if she'd like to hear it. the lyrics were as follows...

"mermaid, mermaid, mermaid, mermaid, mermaid..."

sung over and over for about a full minute, until we finally got her to stop. 

1 comment:

  1. she was really worried about all the diet coke cans on the floor in the back seat! another thing she said that mom and dad thought was so precious... the night we watched her, we were doing our bible reading and then prayed together, she held dad's hand and listened to our prayers, while dad was praying, she blurted out loud "THIS IS FUN!" then dad went on to pray and thank the Lord for grandchildren that love prayers and asked him to let them always think praying is fun!
    oh eliza:)out of the mouth of babes
