Tuesday, November 27, 2012

if you get a girl blocked from fb...

she's just going to find another way to share.

those that are friends with me on fb may know that awhile ago i had some pics of eliza removed and was banned for 24 hours.

i was pretty annoyed, mostly because that prevents me from being able to keep up my business page.

these were pics of her swimming topless, being held upside with her shirt coming up and other innocent childhood things.

apparently one of my "friends" doesn't think it's innocent. that's fine, what annoys me is people taking the coward way out and reporting it. just tell me you don't appreciate those pics. i'll block you from seeing them!

yes, i post a lot to fb. being in korea for a year, it was our way to keep family updated.

i never thought, this probably shouldn't be up. because if you know us, and come to our house, guess what? you are probably going to see a half naked child running around. especially in the summertime.

at what age does that become "inappropriate" and why is it okay to see ads plastered everywhere of much worse? also, i'm pretty sure if she was a boy it wouldn't have been reported. why? because men can have their shirts off anywhere and it's totally fine.

but again...SHE'S 3!

and if this video (the one that got removed, the one that only shows her backside) doesn't make you laugh...well then i'm not sure we should be "friends"

i posted it to a limited audience last night, thinking i had weeded out enough people, and kept it to those that wouldn't be so uptight, but i guess not.

so now? now it's here. and according to vimeo "non-sexual nudity is allowed" so it should stay.

have a laugh...and relax!

dancing painter. from michele rockhill on Vimeo.

and if you're wondering why my fb is bare bones, it's because i changed a ton of settings. i'll share more pics and video here. get back to the blog way and save fb for random musings and to keep up with paper lullaby.

all of this just really makes me want to take up james' offer of running to the mountains when he's out of the army. off the grid of this crazy world filled with crazy people. :)

i'm really not old enough to say i miss the simple times am i?


  1. i was amused & some people are crazy :(
    God is great - Beer is good - & people are crazy.
    will you take me to the mountains w/ you? :)

  2. hahaha, I laughed. lol.

    I had a pic of Gideon removed once after it being on there for months. I kind of wonder if it was my grandma actually who reported it. He was naked, sleeping, cause he had taken his diaper off in bed. You couldn't see anything, not even his butt. But you could see his side and knew that he was naked. I was pretty perturbed as well but what can you do...

  3. God is great, beer is good and people are crazy.... Love you all, sandy :)

  4. I just realized Stephan posted the same thing....great minds.....

  5. oy vey! come on people!
    anyway shel, dad and i watched it over and over and we just wondered,... the music must be in her head:) cause there was no music in the background! we thought that was the best part:) she is definitely her own person:) and keep posting we love being able to "watch" her grow up

  6. LOVE!
    And poop on FB. :-)

  7. WE LOVE this video!!!!! and all of the other pic's and videos that you post!!!!!!!!!!!!
    SMALL minds cant comprehend big spirits. Stay Strong!!!!!!

  8. That video was hilarious!! I've often thought I would like to run off to the country, far, far away from this crazy society. Just live off the land.

  9. I watched this over and over and laughed so hard. The only reason I'm on facebook everyday is to see what my grandkids are up to. I love to see and hear what they are up to every single day. This "friend" that reported you is not a very nice person!

  10. Thats as innocent and funny as can be. The question is, what is going through the mind of the person that would report it... perhaps they themselves are disturbed. Dont let their issues color what you know is proper and good.

  11. I thought it was hysterical! People are definitely crazy (and that is one reason that I don't have a FB). Enjoy her while she'll little, they grow up so fast! love, Kimm
