Tuesday, June 19, 2012

mama's law. volume 1.

if you clean the floor (yes james, i cleaned the floor) she will spill her milk for the first time in months.

if you think "i'm so happy she's been accident free" she will poop in the tub for the first time in over a year. (this from a kid that insists on getting out of baths, lakes, and pools to pee.

if you lay down during nap, she will wake up.

if you take away her favorite coloring book and markers as punishment, she will follow you and say "here mama! forgot one!"

oh you are so lucky you are cute, my child.

what are your mama's law moments?

and yes, these all happened this afternoon!


  1. If you stay up late working on something, both kids will sleep through the night, but will wake up for the day at 5 a.m. If you go to bed early, they will wake you up every 2-3 hours. Guaranteed.

  2. If your kids behave perfectly in the store, you will see no one you know. When they are fighting mercilessly, you will see a coworker, a sweet older lady from church, and another mother with children staring at you aghast because her children are (apparently) always perfectly behaved!

  3. Mine is if I put her down everyday at nap with a diaper she will not have an accident. If I forget one time she will :/

  4. Mine is if I put her down everyday at nap with a diaper she will not have an accident. If I forget one time she will :/
