Monday, April 9, 2012

her third Easter.

she dyed eggs. dropped them in and said "it's done!" 2 seconds later. before the dye soaked in.

put her basket in the yard for the bunny to find, fill, and hide.

she walked around trying to find the right spot, and said "BUNNY! here bunny!"

she searched that morning, but kept getting distracted.

went up for the children's message. just observed.

hung on my legs while her newest cousin became a child of God.

took her sandals off and had a front row view to watch the water come down.

went up for communion with me. received a blessing. circled around and went back up with nana steph for a second blessing. must have needed it!

didn't believe us when we told her the kite would fly in the sky.

searched for eggs...the ones she dyed...and licked each one as she picked them up.

entertained us.

looked at me for permission to hug and kiss aelah. gave her a tiny, gentle pat, with a lot of space between them.

it was a great weekend celebrating His resurrection, and new life in Christ!

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