Sunday, August 28, 2011

last sunday.

last sunday i was pregnant. uncomfortable. naive. timing contractions. feeling kicks and jabs. oblivious to real pain. praying for more time.

last sunday i didn't know the pain of tuesday morning.

tuesday morning we lost her. we had her. she breathed. and then she was gone.

last tuesday changed our life forever.

we will never be the same.

last tuesday our new life started.

one i wish we never had to live.


  1. My heart aches for you. I wish there was something to say or do to make this better. I love you.

  2. Hugs to you girl... I'm still praying for you all.

  3. thinking of you and your family. still praying and will always watch for rainbows and remember her.

  4. Many, many hugs & prayers. <3 you.

  5. tuesday mornings : (

    there are a few that have changed everything.
