Tuesday, June 7, 2011

the one where i spill.

so i've been thinking and i hate that the only people that know newbean's name is james (who is at work all day) and eliza (who currently is limited in her english vocab)

i want to say her name all day. i want to talk about her to people. i want to say her name instead of "newbean started kicking a lot this week." "baby sister kept me up last night and i spooned james so he could feel it to, but he was sound asleep."

i want other people to say her name. i want to hear it.

i know in the future we won't hear it everyday. there will come a time that she isn't brought up daily. we don't have forever to speak her name to her.

weird to me how everything is flipped upside down. i didn't want to know the sex, we never shared eliza's name and it was fine. i assumed it would be the same this time too, but i guess that all changes when you find out news like we did.

so feel free to say her name. i want to hear it!

one of the main reasons i hate sharing beforehand is because i don't want/need to hear negative opinions, people are so quick to say them before the baby is actually here. once they're born no one will say "you picked THAT name?!"

so if you don't like it...that's fine! we love it. it's different, but it's her.

as you can see, eliza helped. :)

p.s. yes i know it's a store. and also a sad johnny cash song.


  1. Hi Delia. Your bane is just as beautiful as you will be.
    I love it, Shel. I will pray for her by name now

  2. so excited when you called, i love her name, and i too will pray for her in name as erin said:) delia jean, nana and papa love you, more than the stars in the sky and to the moon and back:)

  3. A perfect name for a perfect baby girl. She is so blessed to have you and James as parents and Eliza as her big sister. :)

  4. Yay for Delia!! I was secretly hoping that you'd change your mind and we could all call her by her name! :) So beautiful and perfect. As always, praying for sweet little Delia, her big sister, and her mommy and daddy. Much love to you all.

  5. It's absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad you chose to share Delia's name with us!

  6. Love it to pieces :)
    Love to all, sandy

  7. We can call and pray for her by name now. Thanks for sharing. I will light a candle at the grotto for Delia Jean!
    Love it..

    Aunt Patty

  8. thanks for spilling...the proverbial bean(s) : )

    I'm glad. It just seems right. No holding back...

  9. Thank you for sharing, Shel. Delia JEAN, as all of you, will be in my prayers daily. And you know...Great-Grandma Helen JEAN, will be ready to take her precious hand. Love you, Aunt Susan JEAN

  10. Love the name Shel - I will be praying for all of you now including newbean "Delia Jean". Know that you are never alone on this journey you have to take. Love to you all
    Aunt Janet

  11. Delia Jean is beautiful. I don't know the song or the store so it just means a very special little girl to me xoxo

  12. delia... it's lovely, just like your sweet baby girl : ) praying for delia and her beautiful family. God's richest blessings on you. so much love.

  13. I love it! Thanks for sharing, love. You and your family are beautiful.

  14. oh shel, knowing her name gave me goosebumps and tears. i love it. thank you for sharing. what an absolutely gorgeous name, delia jean. i love her so. i wish i could hug you both, and i can't wait until the moment that is possible.

  15. I love it! It's perfect! Thanks for sharing!

  16. I LOVE it. :) Delia Jean. And yes, we can pray for her by name now. Thank you for sharing.

    (My sister's middle name is Jean - because our Grandpa's name is Eugene, etc.) This is the first time I've heard anyone else use Jean as a middle name. Love that, too.)

  17. My sister Teresa is also a Jean. :) Our friends are taking her beautiful name with them to a family reunion in Kansas so they can "stretch the prayer chain." I hope you know how loved you all are.
