Monday, March 29, 2010

don't forget!

there are so many things about eliza that i don't ever want to forget.

the way she used to grunt. all. the. time.
her tiny fingers interlocked in mine.
her funny faces.
the way she lights up when she sees maggs.
her gummy smile. (that will be fading since she broke tooth number 1 and number 2 looks to be coming!)
her giggles.
and especially her wiggles.

this girl LOVES to wiggle.

it started back in february. after a long car ride up to indiana. we took her out, let her stretch on the floor and she started wiggling. uncle elden said she looked like a hula dancer. dad said she looked like a dog scratching his back.

she does it whenever we lay her down to change her diaper, put jammies on, and now when we put her in her crib.

she has this little wiggle, then she rolls over.

when she's crying it looks like she's throwing a tantrum. the thump of her crib mattress and her little limbs flailing always makes me laugh. (sorry kid!)

i've tried to capture it on camera. last night ralf helped so i could get the giggles AND wiggles. here is a short clip.

and from when she first started doing it...

this kid is funny!


  1. Don't forget and Don't Blink!!!

    Loving it and counting the day til I can lay next to her on the floor a see her giggle/wiggle.


  2. OMG those videos are too cute!

  3. Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back,and realize they were the big things
    oh so true! love you
