Thursday, December 18, 2008

my best friend turns 6.

happy birthday magglio!

can't believe you are six already!

and i cannot go this day without thinking of his brother copper. we still miss you buddy!

planning on making some pupcakes later. he's home with nana and papa, so i'm waiting for them to get here so i can see him. we also bought him a new bone and a stuffed turtle he can rip to shreds in 20 minutes.

james is thrilled to be home for this! (note the sarcasm)


  1. Happy Birthday! Hope the Pupcakes turn out well :)

  2. thanks! and thank you again for the recipe. i've had it in my keep folder all this time just waiting!

  3. As I am not much of a dog person...what exactly is a "pupcake"? Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend! Hope that you are enjoying your time back in Indiana.
    Much love!

  4. pupcakes are basically cupcakes made with ingredients safe for dogs, peanut butter, carrots...

    i made one for his first birthday using my old easy bake oven.

    since then i've been looking for another recipe.

    glad there are dog freaks out there like me! :)

    we can't wait to see you guys on sunday! love.

  5. ahh.. i miss magglio. give him hugs and kisses for me. for his birthday i think he wished for a ralfy cuddle...
