Thursday, September 22, 2011

now i lay me down to sleep.

if you know me. you know i love pictures. i take pictures. a lot. mostly of eliza.

at delia's funeral i was anxious to finally be able to take my own pictures of her. i could not stop snapping. it was my chance to photograph my bean.

at the hospital my camera barely came out. i was in the moment and didn't even think of it. that's where i was supposed to be, but i do regret not thinking to video her baptism. or her little cry. or take pictures of our short time with her.

thankfully, someone was there. solely to take pics. (well, i think it starts as that, but she was there for support to as we've become friends) to capture all the little moments.

my ma first told me about now i lay me down to sleep when we were still in korea. i waited until we got back to the states to contact them. i figured we had plenty of time.

little did i know delia would make her debut before we were even able to get our bump pictures.

our photographer friend lisa was on call and drove an hour over to the hospital at 10:00pm. she had a nursing 3 week old girl at home so she was limited on her time she could stay. she told us she could be there until 4am. hopefully delia would come before then.

well, she made it just in time...3:21am.

we are so thankful for all of the pics she took. it's nice to see those moments through another's eyes.

our family was thankful for her too. she sat with them in the waiting room, and they all just went on and on about how wonderful she was. she is!

lisa came back again the next day and took some more posed shots of delia. they are all so beautiful.

i woke up this morning and had an email with a link to a slideshow. it's perfect and something to cherish.

thank God for organizations like 'now i lay me down to sleep' for the photographers who devote their time to preserving memories for strangers friends. what a blessing they are!

go here if you want to see it. you might need some tissues.


  1. What an amazing video. I definitely did need tissues. Wow! You have a beautiful family and your strength is inspiring.

  2. Sometimes there are no words, only tears of sorrow and undying love. Thank you for sharing your tiniest blessing with us and letting her tiny feet leave imprints on our lives. Praying for you.

  3. Beautiful. Delia, you, James, Eliza and your family. All beautiful. Thank you for sharing Delia with us all.

  4. my favorite photo was of the elize and delia's feet, loved it to pieces :)


  5. The video of photos is so sweet and what a great memory to have of your sweet baby. I had not heard of this organization before, but was glad you shared. I have a cousin who I have passed it along to since they to have a baby yet to be born thats life will be far to short on this earth.

  6. Delia has impacted a lot of lives. The strength that the Lord has provided you and your family has been amazing. Thank you for allowing us to be a small part of this chapter in your lives.
    Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you!
    Blessings as you move forward!
    Renny Rutz (friend of Luke and Tammy)

  7. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your family for that night, Shel. It was my pleasure to be able to greet your angel and help you remember all the details.

    All my love,

  8. I'm finally getting caught up around here with comments. This is just beautiful. I've been so impressed over and over with NILMDTS. So glad Lisa was there with you. I wish I had more words to express how amazing it is. I love that you have it to treasure and that you let all of us share in it as well. Hugs.
