Tuesday, August 23, 2011

happy birthday.

sweet delia jean.

we love you and miss you already.

it's a special day. your birthday on earth, and you were welcomed into your heavenly home.

many arms held you tight here, and anxious ones waiting to greet you there.

you are in good hands. His hands.

your short life had such a big impact.

you are loved.


  1. Beautiful Shel...just beautiful. And you are so loved as well! I'm so proud of you and James. Delia couldn't have had a better mommy and daddy to love her every single day that she was with you. Praying for you with a heavy heart tonight. Hugs and love.

  2. Those feet are walking with Him now, sending rainbows. Love you, Shel.

  3. love to all, Uncle Dave and Aunt Sandy

  4. So beautiful, Shel. The rainbows she painted yesterday were to let you know she's having fun in Heaven - and loves you as much as you love her.

  5. Sending love and prayers to your beautiful family... Delia and Morgan are playing with the angels now! What wonderful stories they will have for us!

  6. Love to all of you - All the rainbows were beautiful. What a precious way to show her love for you. Looking forward to hugging you tight on Friday. Love Aunt Janet

  7. hugs and prayers our hearts are breaking for you all.

  8. So sorry for your loss, what a sweet little angel you will have waiting for you and watching over her family. Thoughts and strength to you all.

  9. I dont know you but this broke my heart and I can't stop crying. I am so utterly sorry for what you are going through. I hope that some day you can find peace in her physical absence and know that she will always be there in spirit. God bless and stay strong!

  10. My thoughts, prayers and love to you and your sweet family.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss.Praying for you all during this time!

  12. I lost my daughter to toxic shock syndrome from a tampon just one year ago. Her name was Amy Rae Elifritz. After her death I started a non profit to educate girls across america of the early symptoms and prevention of TSS, it's called You ARE Loved. the ARE stands for Amy Rae Elifritz... I had to share.

  13. My heart hurts for you, and I cry every time I read this. The first time, I couldn't help but say out loud, "No, no, no, not yet. Not yet." My husband didn't understand, so of course I had to share your story. I hope... that even this many days down the road, you are finding peace. And comfort. I pray for you and yours, and for the healing and hope that will come.
