Monday, August 31, 2009

a bit of indiana...

in bean's room.

this is above the changing table. most of the pics are from our wedding, but some are from dav and whit's because i liked them better.

this way i can point out, and tell bean who each person is.

our friend said they did this every night with their son. they'd say "who loves emmitt?" and go on down the line. :)

i've used these tiny clothespins since my summer at lutherhaven. so glad i hung onto them!

just had to bring a bit of indiana love into the nursery.

1 comment:

  1. My grandparents always had our school pictures on their fridge. My Aunt would take each of her sons and point to our pictures and say our names. So even though we lived hours away, they still recognized us when they were little. I think it helped a lot! Can't wait for Bean to arrive!
