Tuesday, January 20, 2009

hey jude.

a surprise from james!


  1. WOW!!!!!!



    He's SO CUTE!!!!

    Cheryl and DAD

  2. i just feel like maggs is going to eat him. you're going to find feathers and be so sad. i can't believe you have a bird.

  3. oh ralf. we know maggs. he's not allowed around when jude is out! we tried it, but held onto maggs the whole time. he was so excited! and maggs has been bad and not allowed to stay out of his box when we leave. it should be alright. ::crosses fingers:: :)

  4. A bird? But they can be above your head at any given time :) He's pretty!

  5. i know core! i think he is trying to get me over my fear. and it's working. i even hung out with some pretty cool cats around Christmas. the thing i have on jude though, i can just clip his wings, so if he tries to go over my head he just glides to the ground! mwahaha. :)

  6. what a gorgeous bird!!! love the name!

  7. Ha! When I had my first parakeet, I'd clip his wings on my own, I was like 10? Now, when I had sniper last year-I was so scared to hurt him, so he got to fly wherever he wanted. Does he eat out of your bellybutton? LOL
