Friday, October 3, 2008

first appointment...

turned out to be mostly just checking my ths levels, and talking about what needs to happen throughout our pregnancy. (i have hypothyroidism) oh joy, blood samples every other month!

we did get to meet our family physician, and he recommended an ob for us. we hear he's great! that was a relief. we should be meeting with him very soon! they family physician also does pediatrics, so he'll be taking care of our little one for as long as he's there. his wife is also a lactation specialist, and he said there are a few others, and we can call any time of the day or night. he said "you won't be left alone even if your mama isn't here!"

i also found out i grew an inch! woohoo! i'm 5'5" must be from all the stretching i do to reach james. :)

1 comment:

  1. That's great that his wife is a lactation specialist! Luke was a struggle to breastfeed at first, and I wouldn't have made it so successfully if it weren't for all the help and support!
