Saturday, November 21, 2009

life around here.

eliza is 10 weeks old today! she had to get her 2 month shots on monday. she is up to 10lbs 15oz. can't believe i'm already packing clothes up!

that's how she spent most of the day after her shots.

she's been in her crib for a week now, and every night she has slept at least 9 hours. i just took down the pack 'n play yesterday. store the bassinet for the next one!

just finished this activity gym. my dad made it, but i sanded and painted it. the animals were from my mobile when i was a baby. she has knocked them a few times and made them jingle.

she's also fallen asleep under there a few times. she NEVER sleeps on the floor alone!

she's also all about the smiles and "talking" these days. it's so much fun!

we are looking forward to another trip to indiana. this time for joshUA and adrienne's wedding!

hope you're having a great weekend!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


before children (or child) i always said "they'll be in their own crib by 6 weeks!"

well, that came and went. james was gone and she got a little spoiled sleeping with me.

then it was "once she sleeps through the night for a week!" that came and went and then we were going to the women's retreat so she'd be back in her bassinet. blah, blah, blah.

finally i said "okay! 2 months. 2 months it is!" she hit that mark on thursday. it was a long week with james working crazy hours. i didn't want to be up all night and tired the next day.

so the next night i told james that it was time. (if it was up to him she would have been in there awhile ago) it was a friday night. he didn't have to work today so we could share the middle of the night wakeups that i was certain would happen.

how did it go?

i nursed her at 8. james rocked her and she was in her crib by 9. (meanwhile i sat and pouted about missing her in our room, all the while listening to them and the squeaky rocking chair on the monitor)

she woke up at 6:30am. i nursed her and put her back, and she slept until 9.


i just hope tonight is just as good!

p.s. we are such bad parents. i read an article earlier this week about a 4 month old kidnapped from her crib years ago. i was all paranoid, and yet we went to bed with both doors unlocked! whoops!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


eliza is two months old today!

things she likes...
laying on the floor.
staring at her lamb that plays "Jesus loves me"
stroller rides.
not sleeping in her crib.
not napping.
being held.
the moby.
having her feet tickled.
looking at the pictures while i read bible stories at night.
pacifiers. sometimes. (james gave in and let her have one)

it was another busy month. her and i went to indiana with celina and aidan, sunday dinner, trunk-or-treat at church, her first pumpkin and halloween, learning to smile and doing it often, first baby-sitter, going on a women's retreat, working one day at church, veteran's day...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

so proud...

not only to be the granddaughter of a veteran, but also the wife.

on sunday james was asked to share a little in church. i wasn't there, but i heard it was an emotional moment, and something to be proud of. after listening to it, i agree. i cannot be more proud!

if you want to hear what he had to say about a solider's sacrifice head over here.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

a new lullaby.

eliza and i were at a women's retreat this weekend.

it was needed. so good for my spirit.

i needed to be surrounded by those women, new friends.

especially yesterday.

it was one year ago that i had that heartbreaking 12 week appointment.

as i sat yesterday reflecting on things it was the weirdest feeling. here i am sad, missing our baby, and i look down and smile as i see eliza asleep on me.

still singing a lullaby, just a different one these days.

what a circle.