Friday, November 11, 2016

dinovember and bible journaling.

two things that have given my mind a break from the world this november. 

on tuesday, before eliza went to bed she wanted to know who was elected president. i told her i would tell her in the morning. then i remembered we had some presidential flashcards and instead she woke up to this...

after sharing on fb, and the kids waking up and discovering what the dinosaurs did, i added "this became a great teaching moment and if i was more articulate i could explain better. went to bed reading posts like "what do i tell my child now?" and reminiscing of that election 8 years ago. pregnant with our first baby and thinking "do we really want to bring kids into this world?" but then as they took turns holding up cards and testing my u.s. history, i thought "this isn't the first time parents went to bed wondering what to say to their kids, and it certainly won't be the last last." but i am my kids mama, not anyone else. i can teach them, show them, love them. the world is not ending because of this. life will continue as it did 8 years ago, and all the years before. so what do i tell my kids? "we have a new president. history was made. the world may be scary at times, but we have the comfort of knowing this world is not our home. He has a far better plan than any of us can imagine."

and He does! and i will teach them, show them, and love them.

which brings me to bible journaling. as the election drew closer, i found myself in His word more. just praying, focusing, thinking of our country and it's future. i journaled a few different pages. one specifically for the election. i messed it up so many times, but joked that it gave me more time to pray.

focused on the verse...

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12

and then the last few days happened. and i went back to my bible. flipped open to this page again, and realized it was perfectly placed next to another page i had done. this one back in april.

focused on the verse...

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6

and right smack between the two is "do not pass judgement on one another" in chapter 14. you should read it. good stuff!

all i have to say is "wow God." thank you for always leading me to your Word. my prayer is that others would be brought to it too.

and because it's veteran's day...go thank one, our dinosaurs did. ;)