Friday, July 29, 2011

honestly...about cousins and sisters.

pardon me while i get a little honest.

you should know...

- i have 3 older brothers. two have kids already, the oldest is expecting their first.

- there are currently 6 grandkids on my side of the family. (3 in heaven and 2 still cooking)

- 5 of them are girls. poor levi is all alone waiting for a boy cousin.

- both of my brothers had two girls first.

it's so hard to see little sisters. to know that we should be seeing eliza with delia soon. it makes me so sad. i always wanted a sister. i'm afraid she will never have one here on earth to run around with. to play dress up with. to share a room with. to giggle and squeal with.

to make things even more complicated and hard for me.

my sister-in-law (who also happens to be a best friend of mine) had her first daughter, enola 7 weeks before eliza came. we joke that they are bffs, and will do anything to make sure they grow up that way. we want them to be close.

we were pregnant again together for a few months this time. they didn't find out what they were having and on april 4th were blessed with a second girl, deandra. at that point we didn't know what delia was, and i said "well, now we have to have a girl. i can't imagine having a baby of a different sex as whit"

as you know we found out about delia's condition and her gender on the same day. i was heartbroken. sad for deandra that she wouldn't get to grow up with her bff cousin. that we wouldn't be able to dress them alike. share stories of their growth and quirks.

and another worry of mine. my two oldest nieces, emma and evia (yes, we have a lot of begins with e, ends with a names. and now we moved on to begins with d, ends with a) are old enough that they will remember this. i cried for emma, praying that God would help her understand. she is so sensitive and has experienced death more times than any almost-8 year old should. she is the little mom. she loves her little cousins so much. i wonder how she will handle the news.

oh there are so many things that make this difficult.

to lighten the mood, and because my last post didn't have pics, i'll include some pics of my favorite cousins and sisters.

the first time the little bffs met. october 2009.

girl talk. april 2010

evia, eliza, emma. february 2010

evia and emma. may 2010

eliza and enola. may 2010

flower children. evia, eliza, emma. june 2010

boiler up! enola and eliza. january 2011.

giggles! eliza and enola. march 2011

evia and eliza. march 2011

enola and eliza. july 2011

enola's 2nd birthday. july 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011


as of the 15th/16th we are back in the states.

there is so much to do before delia arrives. hopefully she doesn't come early. that is one of my biggest fears. we still have to find a place to live and also a new doctor and hospital that respects our wishes and we feel comfortable around. we also get to wait on all our stuff to make it back here and pick up our things in storage from our house in georgia.

i hate transitions and this is the worst time to have our lives all tossed about. i just need stability. i need our own bed. i need comforts of home. our home.

with that said it has been nice being close to family. seeing eliza with her cousins and catching up with everyone. thankful to be back here, even more thankful once we are settled.

i really hope these next 9 weeks drag on and she stays in as long as possible. weird to wish that she would stay in and make me way overdue.

delia has been super active and i'm treasuring every kick and punch. we got to see her in action before we left korea too with one more ultrasound. thankful ma got to be there and that we got video of it all. eliza was too sweet saying "baybee! baybee!"

one thing i am not treasuring are these darn braxton hicks. i hate every single one of them. i feel like each one gets me closer to delivery. not only that but they are just uncomfortable! sure wasn't like this last time around, but bending over, chasing and picking up eliza probably doesn't help!

trying to live in the moment and be still.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

hello. goodbye.

to our apartment in viva family.

(eliza june in july of 2010 and 2011)

parts of it (noisy neighbors, annoying washer/dryer combo) were easy to say goodbye to.

but then i got to thinking about all our memories there. it was too much for this pregnant lady to handle. that's where eliza started walking. my first paper lullaby office was here. all delia has known has been this apartment. so many family dinners have taken place there. friends visiting for craft days and game nights.

ah to be overly sentimental.

one more full day before we say goodbye to korea for good.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

keeping busy.

between all the last minute things to get done before we leave korea, showing nana around, chasing a toddler, getting in all the friend time i can, and growing a baby i've been keeping busy with paper lullaby. trying to wrap up my last few orders. had to take a bit of break until we get back to the states and get settled, but looking forward to it helping keep my mind occupied!

i have been so blessed to have been able to create so many things in the last 10 months. my customers are amazing and have helped me expand so much!

check out a bit of my favorites...